Acupuncture is an essential component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to the meridian theory of TCM, acupuncture therapy primarily achieves the balance of Yin and Yang and harmonizes the internal organs by unblocking meridians and regulating Qi and blood. It is characterized by the principle of "treating internal illnesses externally." The main therapeutic methods involve inserting needles into specific acupoints on the patient's body or applying heat stimulation through moxibustion to burn or warm the acupoints, thereby stimulating the meridians to alleviate pain and treat illnesses. With its unique advantages, acupuncture has been passed down through generations and disseminated worldwide, earning recognition as one of China's "New Four National Treasures" alongside Chinese cuisine, Kung Fu, and traditional Chinese medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): 传统中医学,强调整体观念和辨证施治。
Meridian theory: 经络理论,中医基础理论之一,认为人体内存在经络系统,连接脏腑与四肢百骸。
Yin and Yang: 阴阳,中医理论中的基本概念,代表事物相互对立又相互联系的两个方面。
Qi and blood: 气血,中医术语,气指生命活动的基本物质和动力,血则指营养和滋润全身的液态物质。
Acupoint: 穴位,经络上特定的点,针灸治疗时刺激这些点以达到治疗目的。
Moxibustion: 艾灸,中医治疗方法之一,利用艾绒或其他易燃材料点燃后产生的温热或药物作用刺激穴位。
Internal illnesses externally treated: 内病外治,中医治疗方法之一,通过体外的刺激(如针灸)治疗体内的疾病。
New Four National Treasures: 新四大国粹,指中国在国际上广受赞誉的四种传统文化或技艺。