荡秋千是一种有着几千年悠久历史的民俗活动,至今仍保持着旺盛的生命力。它的起源可追溯到几十万年前的上古时代。那时,我们的祖先为了谋生,需要上树采摘野果或猎取野兽。在攀缘和奔跑中,他们往往抓住粗壮的蔓生植物,依靠藤条的摇荡摆动上树或跨越沟涧 (ditches and streams)——这是荡秋千最原始的雏形 (embryonic form)。春秋时期,秋千传入我国北方,并很快在各地流行起来。目前,荡秋千在中国大部分地区已成为儿童的专项活动。在将来,它将继续活跃人们的生活。
1. 旺盛的生命力:翻译为great vitality。此处的“旺盛”在英文中没有完全对应的表达,故而选取一个较为接近的great来表达就可以了。vitality为名词,意为“生命力”。
2. 追溯到……:翻译为date back to,为常用搭配。
3. 为了谋生:翻译为in order to make a living。此处翻译的重点是“谋生”,英语中与之对应的表达是make a living。
4. 我国北方:此处不用直译,翻译为northern China更为地道。
Swinging is a kind of folk activity which has a long history of thousands of years and still maintains its great vitality today. The origin of the swinging can date back to hundreds of thousands of years ago in ancient times. At that time, in order to make a living, our ancestors needed to climb trees so as to pick wild fruit or hunt wild animals. When climbing and running, they often seized a thick vine and relied on the swinging of the cane to climb up trees or cross the ditches and streams—this is the most primitive embryonic form of swinging. During the Spring and Autumn period, swing was introduced into northern China and soon became popular in various regions. At present, swinging has become an activity for children in most areas of China. In the future, it will keep enlivening people's life.