水墨画 (ink wash painting)在中国画中非常有代表性,几乎已成为中国画的代名词。水墨画从我国唐代发展起来,后传入日本和朝鲜,是古代文人墨客 (scholar)闲暇时的爱好,他们在宣纸 (rice paper)上用毛笔和墨汁作画,因此大部分的水墨画都是黑白的。水墨画最为常见的主题就是风景。水墨画不是简单地再现事物的外观,而是捕捉它的神韵。作画者利用构图、明暗和一些细节刻画,在隐晦地传达着他所体会到的某种人生哲学。
1. 成为……的代名词:翻译为become a synonym of...。synonym意为“同义词”。
2. 闲暇:翻译为leisure time,“闲暇时”其实是“在闲暇时”之意,故译为at their leisure time。
3. 黑白的:翻译为black and white,与之相对的“彩色的”应译为colored。
4. 风景:可译为landscape或scenery。
5. 再现事物:再现可译为reproduce;“事物”如果直译为thing则不如subject更传神,因为subject可以表示“所画的对象”。
6. 神韵:表面上看起来很难翻译,但“神韵”其实就是一种精神,一种气质,用单词spirit即可表达。
7. 构图:翻译为composition。
8. 隐晦地传达:“传达”可译为communicate或convey。“隐晦地”可以用词组in an obscure manner来表达。
Ink Wash Painting
Ink wash painting is such a representative type of Chinese painting that it has almost become a synonym of it. Ink wash painting emerged in China during the Tang Dynasty, and was later introduced to Japan and Korea. It was a hobby of ancient scholars at their leisure time, who drew on rice paper with writing brush and ink. This explains why most of the ink wash paintings are black and white. The most common theme of ink wash painting is landscape. Ink wash painting is not simply to reproduce the appearance of the subject, but to capture its spirit. With composition, arrangement of light and shade, and depiction of some details, the painter communicates in an obscure manner some kind of philosophy of life that he has learned through experience.
中国画(Chinese painting)是我国传统的绘画形式,在古代名为“丹青”,主要指的是用毛笔蘸水、墨、彩等画在绢、宣纸或帛上并加以装裱的卷轴画,其技法可分为工笔(meticulous brushwork)和写意(free-sketches)两类。人们常说的“水墨画”一般属于写意这一大类。中国画“画分三科”,即其题材可分为人物、花鸟、山水三类,表面上是以题材分类,其实是在用艺术表现一种观念和思想:人物画表现的是人与人的关系,山水画表现的是人与自然的关系,花鸟画则表现的是大自然各种生命的和谐相处。三者之合构成了宇宙的整体,相得益彰(complement one another)。中国画在形象塑造和表现手法上,体现了中华民族的传统哲学观(philosophical outlook)和审美观(aesthetic standard),渗透着人们的社会意识,从而使绘画具有“千载寂寥,披图可鉴”的认识作用,又起到“恶以诫世,善以示后”的教育作用。