“追星 (star chasing)”是指人们对某个明星特别崇拜 (worship),想要了解关于他/她的一切,这种行为多发生在青少年中。“追星”也是“双刃剑 (double-edged sword)”,盲目地“追星”会分散精力,影响到青少年的学习。但若理性对待,它也有积极的一面。因为它可以让人拥有敬慕的对象,以他们为榜样,努力追求属于自己的成功未来。总之,“追星”有利也有弊,应该取其精华,弃其糟粕,从而树立健康的生活态度和价值观。
1. 青少年:翻译为teenager或adolescent。adolescent作名词时指“青少年,少年”,作形容词时指“青春期的,青少年的”。
2. 盲目地:翻译为blindly,可置于句首作状语。
3. 以……为榜样:可理解为“效仿”,翻译成emulate。
4. 有利也有弊:翻译为both advantages and disadvantages。advantage意为“有利条件”,disadvantage意为“不利条件”。
5. 取其精华,弃其糟粕:可译为the essence should be taken and the dross discarded,也可以翻译为absorb what is good and reject what is bad, absorb the essence and reject the dross, select the refined and discard the crude等。
Star Chasing
Star chasing refers to one's worship for a celebrity and the strong feeling to know everything about him or her. It mainly occurs among adolescents. Star chasing is also a double-edged sword. Blindly chasing after stars will distract the attention of the youth from their study. However, if treated rationally, it also has a positive side. With someone to respect, admire and emulate, the adolescent will strive for a successful future. In short, there are both advantages and disadvantages in star chasing. Its essence should be taken and the dross discarded so as to foster healthy life, attitudes and values.
“追星”一词来源于红极一时的小虎队(The Little Tigers)。1989年小虎队开始巡回演出(performance tour),当他们从台北巡演到高雄时,疯狂的粉丝们成群结队地骑着自行车一路追踪,大呼其名。这种跟在明星后面追逐的现象被当时的报纸称为“追星”,也正是从那时起人们开始用追星一词来形容粉丝对明星的崇拜行为。在当今社会追星是一种很普遍的现象,“追星族”也越来越多。“追星族”顾名思义,指崇拜某些明星的一些人或群体,他们多数是年轻人,有着开放的心态,后来大概是因为超女们的出现,“追星族”又有了另外一种称号,那就是粉丝,“粉丝”是英语单词“fans”的谐音。青少年似乎是“追星”的易感人群,在因某个明星而尖叫的人群中,我们看到的更多的往往是那些稚气未脱的学生脸。