在中国,爱情总是败给现实;相亲从很大程度上已经变成了一种交易。在北京,有许多父母到公园去给子女寻找对象。与此同时,单身俱乐部把客户按照身高、收入、财产进行划分。而女人们一定要在27岁之前嫁出去,否则就会被贴上“剩女 ”(leftover woman)的标签。中国人普遍认为女性应该在27岁之前结婚。而事实上,据说我们国家的“光棍 ”(bachelor)数量比“剩女”还多。不管是过去还是现在,在工作单位还是在家庭环境中,牵线配对依然非常普遍。
1. 在中国,爱情总是败给现实:翻译为Romance in China is often defeated by reality。
2. 在27岁之前:翻译为by 27 years old。
3. 普遍认为……:翻译为generally hold the view that...
4. 据说我们国家的“光棍”数量比“剩女”还多:翻译为it is said that there are more“bachelors”than“leftover women”in our country。“数量”一词不必生硬译出。
5. 牵线配对:实际上也就是“做媒”,故翻译为matchmaking。
Blind Date
Romance in China is often defeated by reality; blind date has become a commercial transaction to a large extent. In Beijing, many parents go to parks to seek partners for their children. Meanwhile, singles' clubs classify customers by their height, income and property. For Chinese women, they must be married by 27 years old or they will be labeled“leftover woman”. The Chinese people generally hold the view that women should get married before they are 27 years old. However, in fact, it is said that there are more“bachelors”than“leftover women”in our country. Either in workplace or at home, matchmaking was, and still is commonplace.
相亲,似乎只能是讲究“父母之命、媒妁之言”的年代的产物,这种延续了不知多少年的方式,早在上个世纪初,就逐渐地被追求恋爱自由的青年男女摒弃。然而在今天,它作为时下流行的结识异性的方式活跃于新一代的人群中。相亲的形式也日趋多样化,从传统的“一对一”方式到现在的集体相亲大会,从以往的亲友“搭桥”到现在的“网络红娘”(online matchmaker)牵线,相亲方式的多样化折射了时代的变迁。目前存在的较为流行的相亲方式有:熟人介绍、婚介搭桥、相亲大会、网上交友、电视相亲等。也许相亲在很多人看来都不是最理想的找到爱情的方式,但是它也不失为一种可行的寻找幸福的方式。