Before the emergence of written language, ballads and myths spread orally had already been produced in large quantities. Chinese literature began with these. However, ballads were originally created spontaneously by people in daily life, and there were no ways to preserve and record them in ancient times, so they soon disappeared without leaving a trace. Today, we can only infer their existence from some ancient books. Ancient books record some very old ballads, but most of them are falsely attributed to later generations. Ballads that can be identified with a specific source can only be found in The Book of Songs. From this point of view, the influence of ancient mythology on Chinese literature is more significant.
随兴而发:这里的“随兴而发”指的是“自然而然地产生”,因此可以翻译为“created spontaneously”。
伪托:这里指的是“假冒、伪造”,特别是在古代文学作品中,常常有后人假托前人名义的作品,因此翻译为“falsely attributed to”。
《诗经》:是中国古代诗歌的重要集子,直接翻译为“The Book of Songs”。
从这点来看:这里的“这点”指的是前面提到的“能够断定出处的歌谣要到《诗经》里才能看见”,所以翻译为“From this point of view”。
Before the emergence of written language, ballads and myths spread orally had already been produced in large quantities. Chinese literature began with these. However, ballads were originally created spontaneously by people in daily life, and there were no ways to preserve and record them in ancient times, so they soon disappeared without leaving a trace. Today, we can only infer their existence from some ancient books. Ancient books record some very old ballads, but most of them are falsely attributed to later generations. Ballads that can be identified with a specific source can only be found in The Book of Songs. From this point of view, the influence of ancient mythology on Chinese literature is more significant.
随兴而发:这里的“随兴而发”指的是“自然而然地产生”,因此可以翻译为“created spontaneously”。
伪托:这里指的是“假冒、伪造”,特别是在古代文学作品中,常常有后人假托前人名义的作品,因此翻译为“falsely attributed to”。
《诗经》:是中国古代诗歌的重要集子,直接翻译为“The Book of Songs”。
从这点来看:这里的“这点”指的是前面提到的“能够断定出处的歌谣要到《诗经》里才能看见”,所以翻译为“From this point of view”。