Currently, celebrity Weibo has become an important source of information dissemination and public opinion making. Various media are also keen on spreading the opinions of celebrity Weibo, jointly promoting them to become hot topics of public opinion. Celebrities and public figures, with a large number of fans and more voice, must have more obligations than ordinary people to assume more responsibilities for the society. When making comments on Weibo, celebrities need to use their voice with a responsible and cautious attitude.
celebrity Weibo:指名人或公众人物的微博账号。其中,“celebrity”意为“名人,知名人士”,“Weibo”是“微博”的英文翻译。
information dissemination:信息传播。这里指的是通过微博等社交媒体平台发布和传播信息。
public opinion making:舆论制造。指通过某种方式或平台影响或形成公众的观点和看法。
keen on:热衷于。表示对某事物非常感兴趣或投入。
hot topics of public opinion:舆论热点。指在社会上引起广泛关注和讨论的话题或事件。
with a large number of fans and more voice:拥有很多的粉丝、更多的话语权。这里“voice”指的是话语权,即发表意见和看法的权利或能力。
assume more responsibilities for the society:对社会多承担一些责任。表示名人作为公众人物,应该承担更多的社会责任和义务。
make comments on Weibo:在微博发言。这里“make comments”指的是发表意见或看法。