I didn't listen是没在听,还是听不懂
1 我没听清楚。
(×)I didn't listen.
(○ )I didn't catch that .
I didn't listen.这句话会造成很大的误解,因为它指的就是“我没在听”,但听懂要用catch这个词,意思是“抓到”别人想表达的东西,也就是“听清楚”别人所说的话。
2 没问题,就这么做吧!
(×)No question. Let's do it.
(○ )No sweat . Let's do it.
question中文翻译成“问题”,是指“提问”。No question是没有其他问题想问了;No sweat表示“没问题”,跟No problem用法和意思都差不多。
3 别管这件事。
(×)Don't mind this.
(○ )Stay out of this.
mind虽然有照看的意思,但Don't mind this是“别在意”的意思;要求别人不要介入,应该用Stay out of this。
4 我不怕冷。
(×)I am not afraid of cold.
(○ )The cold doesn't bother me.
中文说我不“怕”冷,直觉会想用afraid,不过这个单词应该接令人害怕的事物(即名词),如:Are you afraid of ghosts?(你怕鬼吗?)。形容对天气的感觉用bother即可。
5 今天上映什么?
(×)What's playing today (in the theater)?
(○ )What's on today (in the theater)?