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    It's complicated for Meryl Streep and Don Gummer.


    The longtime couple broke up and have been separated for years, her spokesperson told Page Six Oct. 20. 


    "Don Gummer and Meryl Streep have been separated for more than 6 years," the rep shared, "and while they will always care for each other, they have chosen lives apart."


    The Oscar winner and sculptor tied the knot in 1978 and went on to welcome four kids: Henry, 43, Mamie, 40, Grace, 37, and Louisa, 32. 


    The spouses' last public appearance together was at the 2018 Academy Awards.


    Their love story traces back decades, with Gummer even attending Streep's first Oscars show with her in 1979 as newlyweds. While she didn't get to thank him in 1983 when she won the statue for Sophie's Choice, the Mamma Mia! star made it up to him when she took home her third trophy in 2012.


    "First, I'm going to thank Don," she said, "because when you thank your husband at the end of the speech they play him out with the music, and I want him to know that everything I value most in our lives, you've given me."


    The pair—who both attended Yale University—also saw their daughters enter the world of Hollywood. Grace has appeared in The Newsroom, American Horror Story and Frances Ha; Mamie in The Good Fight, The Good Wife and The Lifeguard; and Louisa in The Gilded Age.


    As for their son, he pursued music under the stage name Henry Wolfe.


      上一篇:卡戴珊家族前儿媳Blac Chyna分享了孩子们的照片,与Tyga的监护权之争正在激烈进行 下一篇:“小甜甜”布兰妮回忆当年像马戏团一样万众瞩目的时光

