Digital pickpockets are a new breed of criminals armed with technology that can effortlessly steal credit and debit card details without so much as touching your wallet.
“数码小偷”(digital pickpockets)是一种新型科技罪犯,他们根本不用触碰你的钱包,就能轻松盗取你的信用卡和借记卡信息。
Standing just 15cm away, these hackers use RFID and NFC wireless communication to harvest bank details in a practice known as "digital skimming". The readers can be brought online or downloaded to phone via an app. A $300 machine can then replicate the card so it can be used elsewhere.
站在15厘米开外,数码小偷就能利用RFID和NFC远程通讯获取你的银行信息,这一行为被称为“数码盗刷”(digital skimming)。读取器可在网上购买,甚至可以通过app下载到手机上。一台300美元的机器就可以复制你的银行卡另作他人使用。
It is estimated 70% cards will soon be vulnerable to digital pick pocketing.