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    Deliverbot is a driverless vehicle or unpiloted drone that delivers packages and other cargo. Deliverbots could range from very small (and light) robots the size of a suitcase to full-sized trucks ready to haul heavy cargo.


    With deliverbots, you will be able to get absolutely anything for sale in a big city about as fast as you can get a pizza today, and it will be cheap. Certainly cheaper than going to a store yourself. Services could also be done by deliverbot. Send out your laundry to a wash and fold. Send out a broken item for repair. In many cases, people might have a car with very little cargo space, and have a deliverbot take their cargo for them while they ride in their car.


      上一篇:银行卡清算业务6月起开放 下一篇:稀土等产品“出口关税”将取消

