1-- So what happened last night? You never came out.
2-- Sorry, I got nabbed.
1-- Feels like you're jerking me around, eh Trager?
2-- Declan, my parents caught me and...
1-- You and who? That guy Kyle? Was he in there with you?
2-- Look, Kyle's one of my mother's head cases. He's just staying with us for a while. Hillary was just messing with you.
1-- That right?
2-- Yea, so come by tonight.
1-- You're going to leave me hanging again?
2-- No way. I'm so there.
1-- OK, then. Later, Trager.
2-- Later.
2.jerk sb. around 欺骗
3.No way不可能
1-- 昨晚发生什么事啦,你根本没出来啊。
2-- 抱歉,我被抓住了。
1-- 感觉好像你在耍我玩,是不是这样,Trager?
2-- Declan,我父母抓住了我和......
1-- 你和谁?Kyle那个家伙?他和你一起么?
2-- 是这样的,Kyle是我妈妈的一个重要案子。他只是和我们住一段时间。Hillary在和你闹着玩。
1-- 是这样么?
2-- 是的,那么今晚过来喽。
1-- 你难道又要放我鸽子?
2-- 不可能。我一定去。
1-- 好的,那么晚上见。
2-- 再见。