1-- Honey, would you mind dropping off Josh?
2-- No, but we gotta get going.
3-- Not until I find my notebook.
4-- Here, dork.
3-- O, yea. Must have left it there last night when I went for that pudding.
1-- OK, Kyle. You got plenty of papers, markers, Sour-Patch Kids...
4-- I can not believe you're taking Kyle to your office with you.
2-- Your mom's gotta a lot of cases to catch up on, no big deal.
3-- Besides, it's “Take your Alien to Work Day”.
1-- Thank you, hon. Call if you need anything.
2-- Alright, we'll be fine ... Ready, men?
5-- Ready!
3-- O, joy. Summer school.
1.Drop off 中途卸客
3.Catch up on (用额外时间)补做
1-- 亲爱的,你能把Josh顺便送学校去码?
2-- 好的,不过我们必须马上走。
3-- 等我找到我的笔记本。
4-- 在这,笨蛋。
3-- 哦,是。一定是我昨晚去冰箱找布丁落下的。
1-- 好了, Kyle。你有很多钱、马克笔、酸酸糖。
4-- 我简直不能相信你要把Kyle带到办公室去。
2-- 没关系,你妈妈有很多病例,没什么大不了的。
3-- 而且,今天是“带外星人去工作日”。
1-- 谢谢,亲爱的。需要什么打电话。
2-- 好的,我们会没事的。准备好了吗,小伙?
5-- 好了。
3-- 真让人享受的暑期课程啊!
2-- No, but we gotta get going.
3-- Not until I find my notebook.
4-- Here, dork.
3-- O, yea. Must have left it there last night when I went for that pudding.
1-- OK, Kyle. You got plenty of papers, markers, Sour-Patch Kids...
4-- I can not believe you're taking Kyle to your office with you.
2-- Your mom's gotta a lot of cases to catch up on, no big deal.
3-- Besides, it's “Take your Alien to Work Day”.
1-- Thank you, hon. Call if you need anything.
2-- Alright, we'll be fine ... Ready, men?
5-- Ready!
3-- O, joy. Summer school.
1.Drop off 中途卸客
3.Catch up on (用额外时间)补做
1-- 亲爱的,你能把Josh顺便送学校去码?
2-- 好的,不过我们必须马上走。
3-- 等我找到我的笔记本。
4-- 在这,笨蛋。
3-- 哦,是。一定是我昨晚去冰箱找布丁落下的。
1-- 好了, Kyle。你有很多钱、马克笔、酸酸糖。
4-- 我简直不能相信你要把Kyle带到办公室去。
2-- 没关系,你妈妈有很多病例,没什么大不了的。
3-- 而且,今天是“带外星人去工作日”。
1-- 谢谢,亲爱的。需要什么打电话。
2-- 好的,我们会没事的。准备好了吗,小伙?
5-- 好了。
3-- 真让人享受的暑期课程啊!