1-- What is your policy towards tenants keeping pets?
2-- You may have a pet, but you have to pay an extra two hundred dollar cleaning deposit.
1-- How many pets can we have?
2-- You may have only one pet. You can have either a small dog or a cat.
1-- What is the policy as to where the pets can be outside?
2-- We ask that you keep your cats indoors or on your balcony. Dogs need to be walked to the street or park.
1-- Where can I walk my dog?
2-- There is a park down the street, but you must keep your dog on a leash.
1-- How many other people have pets around here?
2-- We have quite a few pet owners here, so if you need help finding a veterinarian, just ask around.
1-- 你对租户养宠物有什么政策?
2-- 你可能有一只宠物,但你必须额外支付200美元的清洁押金。
1-- 我们能养多少只宠物?
2-- 你可能只有一只宠物。你既可以养小狗,也可以养猫。
1-- 关于宠物可以在外面呆在哪里,政策是什么?
2-- 我们要求您将猫养在室内或阳台上。狗需要被送到街上或公园。
1-- 我在哪里可以遛狗?
2-- 街对面有一个公园,但你必须用皮带拴住你的狗。
1-- 这里还有多少人养宠物?
2-- 我们这里有很多宠物主人,所以如果你需要帮助找兽医,就四处打听吧。