1-- I need to talk to you about something.
2-- What did you need to talk about?
1-- I have some questions about my lease.
2-- Like what?
1-- Exactly how long is my lease for?
2-- Your lease will be up in three years.
1-- What will happen if I move out before then?
2-- If you move out before then, you will not get your deductible.
1-- I don’t understand.
2-- Because our contract says that you will live here for three years.
1-- Okay, I think that I understand.
2-- I’m glad you understand.
1.talk about讨论
1-- 我需要和你谈谈一些事情。
2-- 你需要谈些什么?
1-- 我对我的租约有一些疑问。
2-- 比如什么?
1-- 我的租约到底有多长?
2-- 你的租约三年后到期。
1-- 如果我在那之前搬出去会发生什么?
2-- 如果你在此之前搬出去,你将无法获得免赔额。
1-- 我不明白。
2-- 因为我们的合同规定你将在这里住三年。
1-- 好吧,我想我明白了。
2-- 我很高兴你能理解。