1-- And how is this a favor to me again?
2-- Rufus, look around. When was the last time you had access to the top people in music and art? Introduce yourself. Revialize your flgging career. Put that sad little Gallery on the cultural radar.
1-- Since when were you the patron saint of former rock stars?
2-- Since when were you a star? No, look, leave if you want to. Really. Alison would have a fit if she knew you were accompanying me to this party, even if it was for your benefit.
1-- Actually, I don't care what Alison thinks right now.
2-- Good. Then let me introduce you to our hostess.
2.patron saint守护神
3.have access to接近(或进入)的方法
1-- 这样就算还我人情?
2-- Rufus,看看上次你和顶级音乐家和艺术家接触是什么时候?介绍你自己。让你走下坡路的事业复苏。让文化的雷达感应到你那小而可怜的画廊。
1-- 你什么时候成了过期摇滚明星的指路明灯了?
2-- 你啥时候当过明星?看,想走就走吧。我说真的。如果Alison知道你跟我来参加这个派对她一定会勃然大怒的,即使全是为了你好。
1-- 事实上,我才不在乎Alison现在怎么想呢。
2-- 好吧,我介绍你认识我们的女主人。