1-- Hello, I need to come in and see the doctor.
2-- Are you scheduling a check-up, or are you ill?
1-- I have really itchy skin and think I may have to have it looked at.
2-- Have you been feeling any joint aches with that rash?
1-- No, but I have a low fever.
2-- I have times available for Tuesday or Wednesday. Which one would work best for you?
1-- I want to come in on Wednesday.
2-- I can fit you in on that day at 10:00. Dr. Smith or Dr. Jones is available.
1-- I would prefer Dr. Smith.
2-- You can see the doctor of your choice then, and we will see you at your scheduled appointment time.
2.a low fever低烧
1-- 你好,我需要进来看医生。
2-- 你是在安排体检,还是生病了?
1-- 我的皮肤真的很痒,我想我可能需要检查一下。
2-- 你有没有因为皮疹而感到关节疼痛?
1-- 没有,但我发低烧了。
2-- 我星期二或星期三有空。哪一个最适合你?
1-- 我想星期三来。
2-- 我可以安排你在那一天10点参加。史密斯医生或琼斯医生有空。
1-- 我更喜欢史密斯医生。
2-- 届时您可以去看您选择的医生,我们将在您预定的预约时间为您看病。
2-- Are you scheduling a check-up, or are you ill?
1-- I have really itchy skin and think I may have to have it looked at.
2-- Have you been feeling any joint aches with that rash?
1-- No, but I have a low fever.
2-- I have times available for Tuesday or Wednesday. Which one would work best for you?
1-- I want to come in on Wednesday.
2-- I can fit you in on that day at 10:00. Dr. Smith or Dr. Jones is available.
1-- I would prefer Dr. Smith.
2-- You can see the doctor of your choice then, and we will see you at your scheduled appointment time.
2.a low fever低烧
1-- 你好,我需要进来看医生。
2-- 你是在安排体检,还是生病了?
1-- 我的皮肤真的很痒,我想我可能需要检查一下。
2-- 你有没有因为皮疹而感到关节疼痛?
1-- 没有,但我发低烧了。
2-- 我星期二或星期三有空。哪一个最适合你?
1-- 我想星期三来。
2-- 我可以安排你在那一天10点参加。史密斯医生或琼斯医生有空。
1-- 我更喜欢史密斯医生。
2-- 届时您可以去看您选择的医生,我们将在您预定的预约时间为您看病。