1-- I am sorry, but I cannot stay for the rest of class today.
2-- Why do you need to leave early?
1-- I don’t feel so good.
2-- What doesn’t feel right?
1-- I feel as if I am going to be sick to my stomach.
2-- Perhaps you should get checked out at the Student Health Center before you go home.
1-- I have some medicine at home that I could take.
2-- Are you going to be OK to drive home, or would you like someone to go with you?
1-- Thank you, but my friend is in the library, and he can give me a ride home.
2-- We hope that you are feeling better soon. E-mail me if you have any questions.
1-- 对不起,今天剩下的课我不能留下来了。
2-- 你为什么需要早点离开?
1-- 我感觉不太好。
2-- 什么感觉不对劲?
1-- 我觉得我的胃好像要生病了。
2-- 也许你应该在回家前到学生健康中心检查一下。
1-- 我家里有一些药可以吃。
2-- 你可以开车回家吗?还是希望有人和你一起去?
1-- 谢谢,但我的朋友在图书馆,他可以载我回家。
2-- 我们希望你早日康复。如果你有任何问题,请给我发电子邮件。
2-- Why do you need to leave early?
1-- I don’t feel so good.
2-- What doesn’t feel right?
1-- I feel as if I am going to be sick to my stomach.
2-- Perhaps you should get checked out at the Student Health Center before you go home.
1-- I have some medicine at home that I could take.
2-- Are you going to be OK to drive home, or would you like someone to go with you?
1-- Thank you, but my friend is in the library, and he can give me a ride home.
2-- We hope that you are feeling better soon. E-mail me if you have any questions.
1-- 对不起,今天剩下的课我不能留下来了。
2-- 你为什么需要早点离开?
1-- 我感觉不太好。
2-- 什么感觉不对劲?
1-- 我觉得我的胃好像要生病了。
2-- 也许你应该在回家前到学生健康中心检查一下。
1-- 我家里有一些药可以吃。
2-- 你可以开车回家吗?还是希望有人和你一起去?
1-- 谢谢,但我的朋友在图书馆,他可以载我回家。
2-- 我们希望你早日康复。如果你有任何问题,请给我发电子邮件。