地道美语听力播客:Telling Secrets to Parents
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:1222  
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    Therese: I can’t believe you told Mom and Dad about me driving the car last Saturday when I wasn’t supposed to . I thought we had a deal . You wouldn’t tell on me and I’d take you and Kathy to the movies this weekend. You’re such a tattletale .
    Stephen: I swear it wasn’t me! Why would I tell? We do have a deal and I’ve held up my end .
    Therese: Forget it. The deal is off . There’ll be no movie this weekend.
    Stephen: Hey, I told you it wasn’t me who spilled the beans . Are you sure it wasn’t Jeffrey?
    Therese: Don’t try to put the blame on somebody else. I know it was you.
    Stephen: How?
    Therese: You’re a terrible liar .
    Stephen: Well, if I did tell on you, I didn’t mean to do it. Come on , please! I really want to see that movie this weekend. What can I do?
    Therese: Hmmm...that’s a good question. How about doing my chores for two weeks?
    Stephen: Two weeks?! No way. How about one week?
    Therese: You’ve got a deal. I’ll take you if you do all of my chores for a week. But I’m warningyou. You’re on notice . If you tell on me one more time, you’ll be dead to me .
    Stephen: Yeah, yeah. I heard you.
      上一篇:地道美语听力播客:Time Management 下一篇:地道美语听力播客:Buying Stamps at the Post Office

