Oscar: How are you adjusting to being a single parent ?
Penny: It hasn’t been easy, but Paul and I are trying to be as civil as possible. We worked outjoint custody so that Mina will get quality time with both of us. Still, it’s been an adjustmentfor her.
Oscar: I’m sure, and for you and Paul, too. Will you get to see Mina when she’s with her father?
Penny: We each have visitation rights . Fortunately, Paul and I both want what’s best for Mina, so we’re working hard to make the right decisions.
Oscar: If you don’t mind my asking , how are you managing financially ?
Penny: Neither of us is paying alimony to the other so that was never an issue, but Paul will be paying child support since I’ll have Mina most of the year. Paul had no objections . He’s beenamenable to anything that would be good for Mina.
Oscar: How has Mina been reacting to the whole thing?
Penny: She has been acting out , which is to be expected. Paul’s parents and my mother have been very supportive , and we’re all trying to give her as much stability as possible.
Oscar: It sounds like you’re doing all you can.
Penny: We’re trying our best, under the circumstances .
Penny: It hasn’t been easy, but Paul and I are trying to be as civil as possible. We worked outjoint custody so that Mina will get quality time with both of us. Still, it’s been an adjustmentfor her.
Oscar: I’m sure, and for you and Paul, too. Will you get to see Mina when she’s with her father?
Penny: We each have visitation rights . Fortunately, Paul and I both want what’s best for Mina, so we’re working hard to make the right decisions.
Oscar: If you don’t mind my asking , how are you managing financially ?
Penny: Neither of us is paying alimony to the other so that was never an issue, but Paul will be paying child support since I’ll have Mina most of the year. Paul had no objections . He’s beenamenable to anything that would be good for Mina.
Oscar: How has Mina been reacting to the whole thing?
Penny: She has been acting out , which is to be expected. Paul’s parents and my mother have been very supportive , and we’re all trying to give her as much stability as possible.
Oscar: It sounds like you’re doing all you can.
Penny: We’re trying our best, under the circumstances .