Types of Story Endings故事结局的类型
Hamid: I just finished a really good book. I thought the characters were headed toward atragic ending, but there was a twist near the end, and everything turned out well. It was sosatisfying!
Rachel: It sounds sappy to me.
Hamid: It wasn’t sappy at all. It was just a happy ending. I know what you like. You like thosedisaster movies with catastrophic endings where everyone dies.
Rachel: At least that would be more realistic than everyone living happily ever after. I just sawthe series finale of my favorite TV show. You know what they did? They ended the series with acliffhanger. Nothing was resolved.
Hamid: That’s horrible! How could they leave people hanging like that? Weren’t you just a littlemad?
Rachel: No, I wasn’t. The ending stayed true to the spirit of the show. It was a dark show andthe ending was equally dark.
Hamid: Well, I bet they ended the series that way so they could make a movie sequel.
Rachel: Yeah, maybe, but I don’t care either way. Life doesn’t end neatly and neither should agood story.
Hamid: Remind me never to read any stories you write or any movies you make!
head toward 前往 ever after 从那以后 either way 总之