Dale: I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Giselle toldme yesterday that it’s a toss up whether she’ll finishthe program she’s working on by next week, butdon’t quote me on that.
Aida: I thought she was already done with it.
Dale: I think that she’s still tinkering with it because she isn’t 100 percent sure she’s workedout all of the bugs.
Aida: All right. I hope she gets a move on and fast. I’ll still have Joe’s prototype to showthem, right?
Dale: Well, the last time I spoke with Joe, he said that the prototype is still a work inprogress. Whether it’ll actually work is iffy, at best.
Aida: Are you trying to tell me that we’re not ready for this visit at all?
阿依达:你不会是想告诉我,我们还没准备好应对这次来访吧? Dale: I hate to be the bearer of badnews, but I wouldn’t count on having much to show them, sorry.
Aida: Then, what am I supposed to do when they want to see the progress on our work?
Dale: I suggest some fast-talking and fancy tap dancing!