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    Tony: Another Valentine’s Day! I really hate Valentine’s Day.


    Chelsea: What’s your problem?


    Tony: I’m sick of seeing heart- shaped boxes, stuffed animals, and cupid decorations everywhere. Lovey-dovey couples on the street and nothing but sentimental movies on TV – that’s what I have a problem with.


    Chelsea: You’re just jaded because you don’t have a valentine on Valentine’s Day.


    Tony: Do you blame me? This is the third year I’m spending Valentine’s Day alone. That’s enough to make any man feel jaded.


    Chelsea: There are plenty of women you could go out with. Just open your eyes and look around.


    Tony: All of the women I know are either psycho or attached. I’ve given up on dating.


    Chelsea: How will you find a Miss Right with an attitude like that?


    Tony: I’ve told you. I’ve given up.


    Chelsea: Well, I think you should open your eyes. Your valentine may be right under your nose!



    Tony: Another Valentine’s Day! I really hate Valentine’s Day.

    Chelsea: What’s your problem?

    Tony: I’m sick of seeing heart- shaped boxes, stuffed animals, and cupid decorations everywhere. Lovey-dovey couples on the street and nothing but sentimental movies on TV – that’s what I have a problem with.

    Chelsea: You’re just jaded because you don’t have a valentine on Valentine’s Day.

    Tony: Do you blame me? This is the third year I’m spending Valentine’s Day alone. That’s enough to make any man feel jaded.

    Chelsea: There are plenty of women you could go out with. Just open your eyes and look around.

    Tony: All of the women I know are either psycho or attached. I’ve given up on dating.

    Chelsea: How will you find a Miss Right with an attitude like that?

    Tony: I’ve told you. I’ve given up.

    Chelsea: Well, I think you should open your eyes. Your valentine may be right under your nose!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客564:两面派 下一篇:地道美语听力播客566:推荐一份工作

