教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:587  
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    Javier: I saw Terry cozying up to you this morning. What was that about?


    Floriane: He was just offering me some advice on my first proposal.


    Javier: Sure, he was. What were his true intentions?


    Floriane: I think he was being upfront about wanting to help a new employee. I don’t think he had an ulterior motive.


    Javier: I wouldn’t take Terry at face value. He has a reputation around the office of being two- faced. He’ll try to get to know you under false pretenses and then stab you in the back.


    Floriane: I don’t get that feeling from Terry. He seemed genuine and open. By the way, was there something you needed?


    Javier: Me? No. I was just trying to watch out for you.


    Floriane: In that case, I’d better get back to work, and I’ll keep your warning in mind. I’ll be ware of anyone giving me advice who may have an ulterior motive.



    Javier: I saw Terry cozying up to you this morning.What was that about?

    Floriane: He was just offering me some advice on my first proposal.

    Javier: Sure, he was. What were his true intentions?

    Floriane: I think he was being upfront about wanting to help a new employee. I don’t think he had anulterior motive.

    Javier: I wouldn’t take Terry at face value. He has a reputation around the office of being two- faced.He’ll try to get to know you under false pretenses and then stab you in the back.

    Floriane: I don’t get that feeling from Terry. He seemed genuine and open. By the way, wasthere something you needed?

    Javier: Me? No. I was just trying to watch out for you.

    Floriane: In that case, I’d better get back to work, and I’ll keep your warning in mind. I’ll be ware of anyone giving me advice who may have an ulterior motive.

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客563:军事演习 下一篇:地道美语听力播客565:没有情人的情人节

