教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:457  
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    Harry: I’ve put in a good word for you with my boss. He said to stop by the store at 4:00 today and he’ll interview you for the job.


    Judy: Okay, I think I can make it around 4:00.


    Harry: Not around 4:00. You need to be there at 4:00 sharp, got that? I’m sticking my neck out for you by recommending you for this job, so don’t let me down.


    Judy: All right, I’ll be there. It’s not like it’s my idea to get a job at your store. I didn’t ask you to put your reputation on the line. I don’t think that job is a good fit for me.


    Harry: You can’t afford to be choosy. You need a job and you need it right now.


    Judy: I’m not in a hurry. I want to find a job that really suits my talents.


    Harry: I’m sick of you sleeping on my couch and mooching off me. By the time you find a job that suits your talents, I’ll be in a nursing home – or an insane asylum!



    Harry: I’ve put in a good word for you with my boss. He said to stop by the store at 4:00 today and he’ll interview you for the job.

    Judy: Okay, I think I can make it around 4:00.

    Harry: Not around 4:00. You need to be there at 4:00 sharp, got that? I’m sticking my neck out for you by recommending you for this job, so don’t let me down.

    Judy: All right, I’ll be there. It’s not like it’s my idea to get a job at your store. I didn’t ask you to put your reputation on the line. I don’t think that job is a good fit for me.

    Harry: You can’t afford to be choosy. You need a job and you need it right now.

    Judy: I’m not in a hurry. I want to find a job that really suits my talents.

    Harry: I’m sick of you sleeping on my couch and mooching off me. By the time you find a job that suits your talents, I’ll be in a nursing home – or an insane asylum!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客565:没有情人的情人节 下一篇:地道美语听力播客567:无名英雄

