教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:728  
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    Fumi: You may have everyone else fooled, but I know the real reason for the success of this project.


    Issac: What?


    Fumi: You. You’ve been working behind the scenes to bolster the people who weren’t up to the task. Without you, this project would have been sunk months ago.


    Issac: That’s nonsense.


    Fumi: No, it’s not. I know you don’t like the limelight, but you were the linchpin of this operation. Without you, we’d all have egg on our faces today.


    Issac: You’re giving me way too much credit. I don’t want to hear another word about it.


    Fumi: I’m not surprised at your reaction. Most unsung heroes like to keep a low profile.


    Issac: What?! I’m nothing of the kind!


    Fumi: Yes, you are. You’re far too modest. And soon, I won’t be the only one who thinks so!


    Issac: What are you proposing to do?


    Fumi: Don’t worry. I’m not planning a ticker-tape parade, but it’s time your contributions are recognized for what they are around here!



    Fumi: You may have everyone else fooled, but I know the real reason for the success of this project.

    Issac: What?

    Fumi: You. You’ve been working behind the scenes to bolster the people who weren’t up to the task. Without you, this project would have been sunk months ago.

    Issac: That’s nonsense.

    Fumi: No, it’s not. I know you don’t like the limelight, but you were the linchpin of this operation. Without you, we’d all have egg on our faces today.

    Issac: You’re giving me way too much credit. I don’t want to hear another word about it.

    Fumi: I’m not surprised at your reaction. Most unsung heroes like to keep a low profile.

    Issac: What?! I’m nothing of the kind!

    Fumi: Yes, you are. You’re far too modest. And soon, I won’t be the only one who thinks so!

    Issac: What are you proposing to do?

    Fumi: Don’t worry. I’m not planning a ticker-tape parade, but it’s time your contributions are recognized for what they are around here!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客566:推荐一份工作 下一篇:地道美语听力播客568:应酬客户

