教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:663  
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    Nick:I don't care what it takes. I want Robinson onmy team next year.


    Jamie:He'll be a free agent and he'll be fielding a lotof offers. I don't know if we can make him anattractive enough deal.


    Nick:We'll offer him a signing bonus. That shouldsweeten the deal.


    Jamie:I'm afraid that may not be enough. Don't forget that he was a first-round pick in thedraft.


    Nick:Then we'll give him a no-trade clause. With that, he'll be calling the shots and won't haveto worry about being traded to a team he doesn't want to be on. He should be happy with that.


    Jamie:I don't know. His agent expects a lot of competing offers. We'll have to pull out all thestops if we want to land him.


    Nick:Then we'll do it. We won't be bested by any other team.


    Jamie:Like last year.


    Nick:Last year? Don't remind me of last year!



    Nick:I don't care what it takes. I want Robinson onmy team next year.

    Jamie:He'll be a free agent and he'll be fielding a lotof offers. I don't know if we can make him anattractive enough deal.

    Nick:We'll offer him a signing bonus. That shouldsweeten the deal.

    Jamie:I'm afraid that may not be enough. Don't forget that he was a first-round pick in thedraft.

    Nick:Then we'll give him a no-trade clause. With that, he'll be calling the shots and won't haveto worry about being traded to a team he doesn't want to be on. He should be happy with that.

    Jamie:I don't know. His agent expects a lot of competing offers. We'll have to pull out all thestops if we want to land him.

    Nick:Then we'll do it. We won't be bested by any other team.

    Jamie:Like last year.

    Nick:Last year? Don't remind me of last year!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客582:拍摄电影 下一篇:地道美语听力播客584:CPR考试

