教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:679  
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    Wendy: We need some new dinnerware. Nearly all of our plates and bowls are cracked or chipped.


    Jason: All right, you do that.


    Wendy: Aren’t you going to help?


    Jason: I trust your judgment. Whatever you like, I’ll like, too.


    Wendy: But I need your input. For instance, this set has eight place settings: eight dinner plates, eight salad plates, eight soup bowls, and eight mugs. Everything is microwave-safe, too. What do you think of this pattern?


    Jason: It’s great. Let’s get that one.


    Wendy: Wait! This set is a little more formal and the plates are bigger, about an inch larger in diameter. It has a nice blue pattern, see?


    Jason: Yeah, it’s perfect. Let’s buy that one.


    Wendy: Oh, but look at these other options on this website. I don’t think I can decide unless I can see them in person. Let’s go.


    Jason: Go where?


    Wendy: To the store. I don’t want to buy something half-assed. We’ll be using these dishes for many, many years.


    Jason: Like I said, I trust your judgment. Buy whatever you want.


    Wendy: You’re not coming with me? Come on. What can I do to get you to come with me?


    Jason: You want me to go with you shopping on my day off and while the game is on? Dream on!



    Wendy: We need some new dinnerware. Nearly all of our plates and bowls are cracked or chipped.

    Jason: All right, you do that.

    Wendy: Aren’t you going to help?

    Jason: I trust your judgment. Whatever you like, I’ll like, too.

    Wendy: But I need your input. For instance, this set has eight place settings: eight dinner plates, eight salad plates, eight soup bowls, and eight mugs. Everything is microwave-safe, too. What do you think of this pattern?

    Jason: It’s great. Let’s get that one.

    Wendy: Wait! This set is a little more formal and the plates are bigger, about an inch larger in diameter. It has a nice blue pattern, see?

    Jason: Yeah, it’s perfect. Let’s buy that one.

    Wendy: Oh, but look at these other options on this website. I don’t think I can decide unless I can see them in person. Let’s go.

    Jason: Go where?

    Wendy: To the store. I don’t want to buy something half-assed. We’ll be using these dishes for many, many years.

    Jason: Like I said, I trust your judgment. Buy whatever you want.

    Wendy: You’re not coming with me? Come on. What can I do to get you to come with me?

    Jason: You want me to go with you shopping on my day off and while the game is on? Dream on!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客622:清除臭虫老鼠(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客624:课程表(双语)

