教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:698  
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    Carlos: Did you get your class schedule?


    Marianne: Yeah. You?


    Carlos: Yeah. Let’s see if we have any classes together. I have PE with Mr. Lopez and social studies with Ms. Walters. How about you?


    Marianne: I have PE with Ms. Schwartz and social studies with Ms. Eng. Who do you have for geography? I’m taking it with Mr. Johnson.


    Carlos: I’m not taking geography this semester. Who do you have for algebra? I have Ms. Adul.


    Marianne: I’m not taking algebra. I’m taking calculus. Who do you have for chemistry?


    Carlos: I’m taking biology instead. This isn’t looking good. Do we even have lunch together? I’ve been assigned the first lunch period. You?


    Marianne: I have the second lunch period. How is it possible that we don’t have any classes together?


    Carlos: I have an idea. Are you taking band after school?


    Marianne: No, you know I’m not musical. I’m taking drama.


    Carlos: Drop drama and take band. That way, we’ll at least be able to hang out after school.


    Marianne: And what am I supposed to play in the band when I’m tone deaf?


    Carlos: Have you ever heard of the drums?



    Carlos: Did you get your class schedule?

    Marianne: Yeah. You?

    Carlos: Yeah. Let’s see if we have any classes together. I have PE with Mr. Lopez and social studies with Ms. Walters. How about you?

    Marianne: I have PE with Ms. Schwartz and social studies with Ms. Eng. Who do you have for geography? I’m taking it with Mr. Johnson.

    Carlos: I’m not taking geography this semester. Who do you have for algebra? I have Ms. Adul.

    Marianne: I’m not taking algebra. I’m taking calculus. Who do you have for chemistry?

    Carlos: I’m taking biology instead. This isn’t looking good. Do we even have lunch together? I’ve been assigned the first lunch period. You?

    Marianne: I have the second lunch period. How is it possible that we don’t have any classes together?

    Carlos: I have an idea. Are you taking band after school?

    Marianne: No, you know I’m not musical. I’m taking drama.

    Carlos: Drop drama and take band. That way, we’ll at least be able to hang out after school.

    Marianne: And what am I supposed to play in the band when I’m tone deaf?

    Carlos: Have you ever heard of the drums?

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客623:买餐具(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客625:酒水菜单(双语)

