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    George: Step aside! The king of the cookout is here. I’m ready to work my magic on this barbecue.


    Sophia: Here are the burgers and hot dogs. The kids are pretty hungry.


    George: Hold on. I need to put on the charcoal. Now I’m ready to fire up this barbecue. Where’s the lighter fluid?


    Sophia: It’s right here.


    George: Good. Oh, I almost forgot. I’ll need to gather some wood to burn to give the meat that smoky flavor.


    Sophia: Why don’t I do that while you get things going?


    George: No, I need to do things my way. I also need to make my world-famous barbecue sauce. The meat won’t taste very good if I don’t baste it with my special sauce each time I flip it.


    Sophia: Okay, how about if I get the corn on the cob ready for grilling?


    George: I’ll do that. I have my own special way of preparing the corn.


    Sophia: Is there anything I can do to hurry things along?


    George: Perfection takes time. Would you tell Michelangelo to hurry up?



    George: Step aside! The king of the cookout is here. I’m ready to work my magic on this barbecue.

    Sophia: Here are the burgers and hot dogs. The kids are pretty hungry.

    George: Hold on. I need to put on the charcoal. Now I’m ready to fire up this barbecue. Where’s the lighter fluid?

    Sophia: It’s right here.

    George: Good. Oh, I almost forgot. I’ll need to gather some wood to burn to give the meat that smoky flavor.

    Sophia: Why don’t I do that while you get things going?

    George: No, I need to do things my way. I also need to make my world-famous barbecue sauce. The meat won’t taste very good if I don’t baste it with my special sauce each time I flip it.

    Sophia: Okay, how about if I get the corn on the cob ready for grilling?

    George: I’ll do that. I have my own special way of preparing the corn.

    Sophia: Is there anything I can do to hurry things along?

    George: Perfection takes time. Would you tell Michelangelo to hurry up?

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客632:节食(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客634:去二手店捐赠物品(双语)

