教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:577  
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    Scott: That’s the last bag. Help me put these into the truck. I want to get these to the thrift store before they stop taking donations for the day.


    Nancy: Hold on! That bag has curtains in it.

    南希: 等一下,那个包里有窗帘。

    Scott: I know they do. Those old curtains have been sitting around in the closet for 10 years. It’s time to let them go.


    Nancy: But what about this bag? These are the children’s old baby clothes. You can’t just toss these! They have such sentimental value.

    南希: 但是这个袋子呢?这些都是孩子们旧的婴儿衣服,你不能就这么扔了,它们有纪念意义的。

    Scott: You’ve kept a lot of the children’s old clothes already, but we still have bags and bags of them in the attic.


    Nancy: Yes, but they’re so cute.


    Scott: It’s time to put aside sentiment and do some spring cleaning. After all, we’re donating them to a good cause. Families visiting the thrift store can buy them for their own children. We get a tax deduction and our items get a new life. It’s a win-win for everybody.


    Nancy: I don’t know about that. What?! You’re not getting rid of those chairs, are you? They still have a lot of life in them.


    Scott: Our garage is so full of old furniture that we don’t use. I’m putting my foot down. These have to go.


    Nancy: But not those...


    Scott: Yes, those and those and those. This is my punishment for marrying a pack rat!



    Scott: That’s the last bag. Help me put these into the truck. I want to get these to the thrift store before they stop taking donations for the day.

    Nancy: Hold on! That bag has curtains in it.

    Scott: I know they do. Those old curtains have been sitting around in the closet for 10 years. It’s time to let them go.

    Nancy: But what about this bag? These are the children’s old baby clothes. You can’t just toss these! They have such sentimental value.

    Scott: You’ve kept a lot of the children’s old clothes already, but we still have bags and bags of them in the attic.

    Nancy: Yes, but they’re so cute.

    Scott: It’s time to put aside sentiment and do some spring cleaning. After all, we’re donating them to a good cause. Families visiting the thrift store can buy them for their own children. We get a tax deduction and our items get a new life. It’s a win-win for everybody.

    Nancy: I don’t know about that. What?! You’re not getting rid of those chairs, are you? They still have a lot of life in them.

    Scott: Our garage is so full of old furniture that we don’t use. I’m putting my foot down. These have to go.

    Nancy: But not those...

    Scott: Yes, those and those and those. This is my punishment for marrying a pack rat!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客633:烤肉野餐(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客635:不婚族(双语)

