教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:664  
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    Toshi: You can’t go outside looking like that! What are you thinking?


    Celeste: I’m exercising my right of free speech. I’ve put on these clothes and painted my body this way to protest the treatment of women. I want to send a message.


    Toshi: You’re crazy if you think people are going to take you seriously. What you’re wearing is offensive and those messages painted on your body are hate speech.


    Celeste: It’s my basic human right to a freedom of expression, and this is how I choose to express myself.


    Toshi: There are limits to free speech and expression, and you’ve crossed the line. In fact, you’re abusing those rights. Obscenity and hate speech aren’t protected, you know.


    Celeste: If you feel so strongly about it, I have a suggestion for you.


    Toshi: What?


    Celeste: You can express your free speech by protesting against me. After all, it’s your inalienable right.


    Toshi: I’m not wasting my time. Hey, you’re not really going outside looking like that, are you?


    Celeste: You know what they say: The medium is the message. And I’m sending my message loud and clear!



    Toshi: You can’t go outside looking like that! What are you thinking?

    Celeste: I’m exercising my right of free speech. I’ve put on these clothes and painted my body this way to protest the treatment of women. I want to send a message.

    Toshi: You’re crazy if you think people are going to take you seriously. What you’re wearing is offensive and those messages painted on your body are hate speech.

    Celeste: It’s my basic human right to a freedom of expression, and this is how I choose to express myself.

    Toshi: There are limits to free speech and expression, and you’ve crossed the line. In fact, you’re abusing those rights. Obscenity and hate speech aren’t protected, you know.

    Celeste: If you feel so strongly about it, I have a suggestion for you.

    Toshi: What?

    Celeste: You can express your free speech by protesting against me. After all, it’s your inalienable right.

    Toshi: I’m not wasting my time. Hey, you’re not really going outside looking like that, are you?

    Celeste: You know what they say: The medium is the message. And I’m sending my message loud and clear!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客658:来次按摩(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客660:相信运势(双语)

