教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:652  
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    Anastasia: This is the best club in the city. Grace brought me here last month. You’re going to love it.


    Joshua: What?!


    Anastasia: You’re going to love this club. It has the best DJ in town. She spins the best mixes.


    Joshua: Did you say you’re going to get us some mixed drinks?


    Anastasia: No, I said that this DJ is great. She plays music that gets people pumped up. Oh, I love this song. It samples from two of my favorite songs and it’s my favorite track on this CD.

    安娜塔莎:不,我是说这个DI 很棒。她弄出的音乐会让大家情绪高涨。噢,我喜欢这首歌,取自我最喜欢的歌曲,这张CD上,这首歌是我最喜欢的。

    Joshua: Did you say that you want to buy this CD?


    Anastasia: No, I said I like this song. It’s got a pounding beat and I can really feel the music. I love dancing to it. Do you want to get out onto the dance floor?


    Joshua: Let’s wait until she segues into something mellower. I don’t really like dancing to this kind of club music.


    Anastasia: What?! You love club music? That’s great. Let’s go dance!


    Joshua: I think I’ll sit this one out. Don’t you think that the volume is a little loud in here?


    Anastasia: What?! You want the music to be louder? I’ll go ask the DJ to turn it up.

    安娜塔莎:什么?你想要音乐更大声点?我去让DJ 调大一点。

    Joshua: No!



    Anastasia: This is the best club in the city. Grace brought me here last month. You’re going to love it.

    Joshua: What?!

    Anastasia: You’re going to love this club. It has the best DJ in town. She spins the best mixes.

    Joshua: Did you say you’re going to get us some mixed drinks?

    Anastasia: No, I said that this DJ is great. She plays music that gets people pumped up. Oh, I love this song. It samples from two of my favorite songs and it’s my favorite track on this CD.

    Joshua: Did you say that you want to buy this CD?

    Anastasia: No, I said I like this song. It’s got a pounding beat and I can really feel the music. I love dancing to it. Do you want to get out onto the dance floor?

    Joshua: Let’s wait until she segues into something mellower. I don’t really like dancing to this kind of club music.

    Anastasia: What?! You love club music? That’s great. Let’s go dance!

    Joshua: I think I’ll sit this one out. Don’t you think that the volume is a little loud in here?

    Anastasia: What?! You want the music to be louder? I’ll go ask the DJ to turn it up.

    Joshua: No!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客664:咖啡提神(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客666:避免发表看法(双语)

