地道美语听力播客738: 飞机上使用电子产品(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:803  
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    Flight attendant: I’m sorry, sir, but all passengers need to turn off their portable electronic devices for takeoff, so you’ll need to turn off your laptop
    Alec: I just need to finish one last email. 
    Flight attendant: Sir, we can’t take off until you turn that computer off. 
    Alec: Fine. It’s off. Why all the fuss, anyway? 
    Flight attendant: It’s regulationsSignals emitted by electronics may interfere with the plane’s communication systems or navigation
    Alec: All right. 
    Flight attendant: Sir, you’ll also need to turn off your tablet computer and your cell phone. Those are also considered portable electronic devices. 
    Alec: You’ve got to be kidding me. You mean I have to sit here twiddling my thumbs while I wait for the plane to take off? I thought the FAA eased up on those regulations. 
    Flight attendant: I’m afraid not, sir. Please power down all of your devices so we can proceed with takeoff. 
    Alec: Okay, fine. What am I suppose to do until we get the all clear to use our electronics again? 
    Flight attendant: Perhaps you could read a magazine. 
    Alec: That’s what I was doing on my tablet before you made me turn it off. 
    Flight attendant: Perhaps you could take a flying leap out the window. 
    Alec: What did you say? 
    Flight attendant: I said, “Look at that luggage heap out the window.” 


    Flight attendant: I’m sorry, sir, but all passengers need to turn off their portable electronic devices for takeoff, so you’ll need to turn off your laptop

    Alec: I just need to finish one last email. 

    Flight attendant: Sir, we can’t take off until you turn that computer off. 

    Alec: Fine. It’s off. Why all the fuss, anyway? 

    Flight attendant: It’s regulationsSignals emitted by electronics may interfere with the plane’s communication systems or navigation

    Alec: All right. 

    Flight attendant: Sir, you’ll also need to turn off your tablet computer and your cell phone. Those are also considered portable electronic devices. 

    Alec: You’ve got to be kidding me. You mean I have to sit here twiddling my thumbs while I wait for the plane to take off? I thought the FAA eased up on those regulations. 

    Flight attendant: I’m afraid not, sir. Please power down all of your devices so we can proceed with takeoff. 

    Alec: Okay, fine. What am I suppose to do until we get the all clear to use our electronics again? 

    Flight attendant: Perhaps you could read a magazine. 

    Alec: That’s what I was doing on my tablet before you made me turn it off. 

    Flight attendant: Perhaps you could take a flying leap out the window. 

    Alec: What did you say? 

    Flight attendant: I said, “Look at that luggage heap out the window.” 

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客737: 感到尴尬(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客740: 预约医生(双语)

