地道美语听力播客740: 预约医生(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:576  
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    Monique: Ugh! 
    Jurgen: What’s the matter? 
    Monique: My GP referred me to a specialist for my back problems, but she doesn’t have any openings for eight weeks! I’m waitlisted in case there’s a cancellation, but if there isn’t one, I’ll have to endure this pain for at least another eight weeks. 
    Jurgen: Can’t you just go see another specialist? 
    Monique: I could, but my GP says that she’s the best in the business. In the meantime, I’ll try to see a physical therapist about my neck. It’s flaring up again. 
    Jurgen: At least you’ll get some relief
    Monique: Maybe. I have to call back tomorrow morning to see if she can fit me in. She’s really booked up, too. While I’m waiting, I guess I could try to see the podiatrist about my feet. 
    Jurgen: You’re having feet problems, too? 
    Monique: Yeah, my whole body is falling apart. I think I’m nearly past my expiration date


    Monique: Ugh! 

    Jurgen: What’s the matter? 

    Monique: My GP referred me to a specialist for my back problems, but she doesn’t have any openings for eight weeks! I’m waitlisted in case there’s a cancellation, but if there isn’t one, I’ll have to endure this pain for at least another eight weeks. 

    Jurgen: Can’t you just go see another specialist? 

    Monique: I could, but my GP says that she’s the best in the business. In the meantime, I’ll try to see a physical therapist about my neck. It’s flaring up again. 

    Jurgen: At least you’ll get some relief

    Monique: Maybe. I have to call back tomorrow morning to see if she can fit me in. She’s really booked up, too. While I’m waiting, I guess I could try to see the podiatrist about my feet. 

    Jurgen: You’re having feet problems, too? 

    Monique: Yeah, my whole body is falling apart. I think I’m nearly past my expiration date
      上一篇:地道美语听力播客738: 飞机上使用电子产品(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客741: 吸引某人注意(双语)

