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    Celeste: So, here is my shortlist.


      Albert: A shortlist for what?


      Celeste: Baby names.


      Albert: We have months to decide. Don’t you think we should wait?


      Celeste: No, I want to be prepared. Here, take a look. See what you think.


      Albert: Ezekiel?! You want to name our child Ezekiel? He’ll be teased by every kid in school.


      Celeste: It’s a family name. I was trying to appease my parents. They’ve been suggesting a lot of family names. We could call him by a nickname, maybe “Zeke.”


      Albert: I’m not naming my child Ezekiel. His name would be Ezekiel Eckleman. That’s a mouthful. I also want to steer clear of alliterative names. I’ve never liked them.

      阿博特:我不想让孩子叫Ezekiel。他的名字不就成了Ezekiel Eckleman嘛。拗口,我不想要有头韵的名字。我一直不喜欢那样的名字。

      Celeste: Okay, are there any names you like on my list?

      塞莱斯特: 好,单子上有你喜欢的名字吗?

      Albert: Not Alan Phillip. That’s for sure.

      阿博特:不喜欢Alan Phillip. 一定不选它。

      Celeste: Why not? I thought we’d name the baby after my grandfather. Alan is a nice first name and Phillip is a nice middle name.

      塞莱斯特:为什么不选它?我还以为我们可以用我祖父的名字呢。Alan 是个好名字,Phillip 是个挺好的中间名。

      Albert: His initials would be “A.P.E.” – ape! He would never live that down.


      Celeste: How about “Mikol”?


      Albert: You mean an alternate spelling for “Michael”? People don’t know how to pronounce a name with an odd spelling.


      Celeste: Well, are there any names you do like?


      Albert: Albert Eckleman Junior has a nice ring to it.

      阿博特:“Albert Eckleman Junior”

      Celeste: As you say, we have months to decide. Let’s keep an open mind.


      Albert: Humph!



      Celeste: So, here is my shortlist.

      Albert: A shortlist for what?

      Celeste: Baby names.

      Albert: We have months to decide. Don’t you think we should wait?

      Celeste: No, I want to be prepared. Here, take a look. See what you think.

      Albert: Ezekiel?! You want to name our child Ezekiel? He’ll be teased by every kid in school.

      Celeste: It’s a family name. I was trying to appease my parents. They’ve been suggesting a lot of family names. We could call him by a nickname, maybe “Zeke.”

      Albert: I’m not naming my child Ezekiel. His name would be Ezekiel Eckleman. That’s a mouthful. I also want to steer clear of alliterative names. I’ve never liked them.

      Celeste: Okay, are there any names you like on my list?

      Albert: Not Alan Phillip. That’s for sure.

      Celeste: Why not? I thought we’d name the baby after my grandfather. Alan is a nice first name and Phillip is a nice middle name.

      Albert: His initials would be “A.P.E.” – ape! He would never live that down.

      Celeste: How about “Mikol”?

      Albert: You mean an alternate spelling for “Michael”? People don’t know how to pronounce a name with an odd spelling.

      Celeste: Well, are there any names you do like?

      Albert: Albert Eckleman Junior has a nice ring to it.

      Celeste: As you say, we have months to decide. Let’s keep an open mind.

      Albert: Humph!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客902:健谈点好呢还是矜持点好呢? 下一篇:地道美语听力播客904:取消业务怎么就这么难?!

