Cameron: Oh, f-!
Dorothy: Watch your language. I don’t want the kids to hear foul language.
多萝西: 注意你的语句,我想孩子听到脏话。
Cameron: Sorry, I stubbed my toe. What’s the big deal? Kids hear all kinds of cursing on TV and in movies.
Dorothy: Not my kids, at least not yet. I don’t want them learning to swear before they learn to walk. I don’t want them to grow up to be rude and offensive people.
Cameron: You can’t protect them from every damn thing people say.
Dorothy: Okay, that’s it. If you’re going to live here, we’ll need a swear jar.
多萝西: 好吧,确实是。如果你要在这里生活,我们需要一个咒骂罚款罐。
Cameron: A what?!
Dorothy: A swear jar. For every swear word you say, you’ll need to put a dollar into the jar. We’ll save the money for the kids’ education.
多萝西:咒骂罚款罐。 你每说一个脏字,就要在罐里放一美元。我们把钱省下来用于孩子的教育。
Cameron: What the f-?!
Dorothy: Hey, there will be no profanity of any kind in this house. I don’t want you to be a bad influence on my children. Go ahead. Put a dollar into that jar.
多萝西: 嘿,在这所房子里,不许有任何人说脏话,我不想你对我的孩子产生任何不好的影响。去吧,在那个罐子里放一美元。
Cameron: I’m not putting a dollar into that jar.
Dorothy: My house, my rules.
Cameron: Unbelievable!
Cameron: Oh, f-!
Dorothy: Watch your language. I don’t want the kids to hear foul language.
Cameron: Sorry, I stubbed my toe. What’s the big deal? Kids hear all kinds of cursing on TV and in movies.
Dorothy: Not my kids, at least not yet. I don’t want them learning to swear before they learn to walk. I don’t want them to grow up to be rude and offensive people.
Cameron: You can’t protect them from every damn thing people say.
Dorothy: Okay, that’s it. If you’re going to live here, we’ll need a swear jar.
Cameron: A what?!
Dorothy: A swear jar. For every swear word you say, you’ll need to put a dollar into the jar. We’ll save the money for the kids’ education.
Cameron: What the f-?!
Dorothy: Hey, there will be no profanity of any kind in this house. I don’t want you to be a bad influence on my children. Go ahead. Put a dollar into that jar.
Cameron: I’m not putting a dollar into that jar.
Dorothy: My house, my rules.
Cameron: Unbelievable!