教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:722  
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    Rueben: I never imagined walking our daughter to school could be so dangerous.

      鲁贝 :我从没想到女儿走着去上学会这么危险。

      Carla: What happened?


      Rueben: We were walking on the sidewalk approaching the intersection. The crossing guard was there to stop traffic so we could cross the street. We were halfway through the designated crosswalk when a guy driving like a demon whips around the corner.

      鲁贝 :我们在人行横道上走,快走到十字路口了。交警在那儿让疏导交通,让我们过去。我们在专用的人行横道上走了一半儿,一个人就开着车,像个恶魔似的冲过来了。

      Carla: And he didn’t stop at the stop sign?


      Rueben: No, he didn’t even slow down.

      鲁贝 :没,他都没减速。

      Carla: Didn’t he see the crossing guard or the other pedestrians?


      Rueben: There are several big trees there, so it’s a blind corner with limited visibility.

      鲁贝 :那有一些大树,影响视线,造成了盲区。

      Carla: Still, he should have stopped. Was anyone hurt?


      Rueben: No, we were able to get out of his way, but he could have easily taken out five or six people!

      鲁贝 :没,我们躲开了,可是他能轻易地撂倒五六个人!

      Carla: That’s crazy. What we need are flashing crosswalk signs. Maybe that would get drivers’ attention.


      Rueben: And maybe armor for our daughter, too?

      鲁贝 :或许让女儿全副武装了再上街?


      Rueben: I never imagined walking our daughter to school could be so dangerous.

      Carla: What happened?

      Rueben: We were walking on the sidewalk approaching the intersection. The crossing guard was there to stop traffic so we could cross the street. We were halfway through the designated crosswalk when a guy driving like a demon whips around the corner.

      Carla: And he didn’t stop at the stop sign?

      Rueben: No, he didn’t even slow down.

      Carla: Didn’t he see the crossing guard or the other pedestrians?

      Rueben: There are several big trees there, so it’s a blind corner with limited visibility.

      Carla: Still, he should have stopped. Was anyone hurt?

      Rueben: No, we were able to get out of his way, but he could have easily taken out five or six people!

      Carla: That’s crazy. What we need are flashing crosswalk signs. Maybe that would get drivers’ attention.

      Rueben: And maybe armor for our daughter, too?

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客909:晋升道路上的重重阻碍 下一篇:地道美语听力播客911:一句脏话一块钱

