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    My boss is a complete blowhard. He likes to boast about his accomplishments and acquisitions every chance he gets. Unfortunately, I seem to be his favorite audience.


      Boss: You won’t believe what I did over the weekend. I went mountain climbing and skydiving.


      What I wanted to say was, “Uh, spare me!” But what I said instead was, “Oh, really? How exciting.”It doesn’t take much encouragement to get him going.


      Boss: And I found time to test-drive the new McQ sports car yesterday. I’m thinking of buying one.


      Do I really look that gullible? I knew that the boss didn’t have that kind of money, but I didn’t let it show on my face and simply said, “That’s a very impressive car.”


      Boss: I have my eye on a luxury vacation condo by the lake. Some lucky girl will get to stay there with me.


      Now I knew he was blowing smoke, but what could I say? I just muttered, “Lucky girl,” and left it at that.

      现在我知道他在说空话蒙人,可是我能说什么呢?我知道楠楠地说,“幸运女孩”, 然后就走了。

      What was the point of all that, unless…



      My boss is a complete blowhard. He likes to boast about his accomplishments and acquisitions every chance he gets. Unfortunately, I seem to be his favorite audience.

      Boss: You won’t believe what I did over the weekend. I went mountain climbing and skydiving.

      What I wanted to say was, “Uh, spare me!” But what I said instead was, “Oh, really? How exciting.”It doesn’t take much encouragement to get him going.

      Boss: And I found time to test-drive the new McQ sports car yesterday. I’m thinking of buying one.

      Do I really look that gullible? I knew that the boss didn’t have that kind of money, but I didn’t let it show on my face and simply said, “That’s a very impressive car.”

      Boss: I have my eye on a luxury vacation condo by the lake. Some lucky girl will get to stay there with me.

      Now I knew he was blowing smoke, but what could I say? I just muttered, “Lucky girl,” and left it at that.

      What was the point of all that, unless

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客916:空气和水污染 下一篇:地道美语听力播客918:铤而走险边境走私

