Is this the last zone to be searched?
No. It's not the last zone.
The work seems never ending. It's been one month since a mountainside plunged into the townof Oso, Washington. Searcher Ben Woodward took us right into the heart of the slide.
What was here before the landslide?
You know, houses, sparse houses, trees.
We walked along what was once a highway, the surroundings don't even resemble thecommunity that once flourished here. Yet this is progress.
It was six foot under water or so right where we are standing.
Water and mud still creating the biggest challenges for this search crews. We are told water wasabove my head when that landslide first hit. What they've had to do is create a water channelwith pumps to be able to move the water out of this area just to give search crews access tolook here.
Special machinery like this floating excavator just arrived to help search for the missing in theobstacle-filled wreckage.
This gives you an idea of what search crews are up against, logs, mud, piles of debris stuck 20to 40 feet high in some places.
The slow, sloppy and dangerous work comes with an emotional toll: so far at least 41 victimshave been recovered in a disaster zone. A Washington spruce tree left standing in the middleof the slide area now serves as a makeshift memorial to honor lives lost.
This is a special place for the searchers that are out here?Absolutely.
Woodward says it provides the source of strength for the ongoing recovery effort.
It's Worldwide Wednesday on the CNN STUDENT NEWS "Roll Call." That means we are going toplaces like India where we are glad to be part of the school day at Oberoi International School inMumbai. We are also online in a two-room school house in Manitoba, Canada. Hello to ourviewers at the San Antonio school in Bissett.
And at the Green Gates School, a British international school in Mexico, it's great to seeeveryone in the capitol of Mexico City.
On April 20, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. 11 workerswere killed and in the month after that, about 210 million gallons of oil leaked from the wellunderneath the rig.