Welcome back to CNN STUDENT NEWS. Thank you for starting off your week with us. International news take center stage first up. Yesterday, followers of the world's largest religion celebrated Easter Sunday. It's the most significant day in the Christian calendar. Christians believe Easter is when Jesus Christ rose from the dead having fulfilled the Bible's prophecies of the Messiah. From Vatican City, headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity is largest denomination. Pope Francis called for people to work toward peace, to end world hunger and to help others out of poverty.
欢迎收看CNN学生新闻。非常感谢这周也如约守候我们的节目。首先我们关注国际要闻。昨天世 界上最大宗教的追随者们庆祝复活节。这是基督教中最为重要的日子。基督徒相信复活节这天耶稣基督会应验弥赛亚圣经预言从死里复活。而在基督教最大的教派罗 马天主教会的总部梵蒂冈。教皇弗朗西斯呼吁人们为和平而努力,消除世界饥饿及帮助别人摆脱贫困。
Next report today takes us to Yemen. Al Qaeda terrorists recently had a large meeting in the Middle Eastern nation, and suspected drones attacked terrorists over the weekend. The U.S. is believed to have participated, though American officials won't confirm that. A Yemeni official says at least 12 al Qaeda members were killed on Sunday, ten others on Saturday, though that attack also killed three civilians.
We are also visiting Nepal, home of the world's tallest mountain. An avalanche rushed down Mount Everest on Friday. It killed 13 people, mostly Sherpas preparing the way for the spring climbing season. Three people are still missing.
Everest. The name is synonymous with challenge and all too often, with death.
Friday's avalanche is the single deadliest incident on Everest in history. Despite the danger, the icy peak that rises more than 29,000 feet into the heavens, still tantalizes adventurers who come for any number of reasons. The guides or Sherpas are often the victims, paving the way, carrying supplies and taking real risks for what are lucrative wages in Nepal.
Not only the money that I'm after right now, but even my - from my inner heart, I always wanted to be on the top.
The audacy has been the subject of countless documentaries.
And feature film such as "Into Thin Air" based on John Krakauer's bestseller about the 1996tragedy that left eight climbers dead.
I love you.
The dramatic scenes perhaps adding to the galore that has turned the dangerous mountain into a tourist destination. But as the altitude increases, reality sits in.
You can breathe for a while, you are sort of losing ground as you do without oxygen.
In 2012, American Joe Pratt struggled with the lack of oxygen at such a high elevation, though he survived.
Anyone who climbed Mount Everest and survives is lucky.
344 foreign climbers have been given permission to climb Mount Everest this year, along with an estimated 400 sherpas to guide them home safely. One can only hope that they all comeback. Jack Tapper, CNN, Washington.