In the state of Georgia, the governor has signed a new gun law. It will allow Georgians who arealready allowed to have a concealed weapon to legally take that weapon in the certain publicplaces. This might include some bars, churches, government buildings, school zones andcertain parts of airports. Supporters call the law meaningful pro-gun legislation. Critics call itextremism in action. And in Brazil, the nation's army has occupied one of Rio de Janeiro'sslums. There's been a surge in violent crime in certain parts of the city, and with the WorldCup less than two months away, soldiers have joined police in trying to keep three rival gangsfrom attacks.
See if you can I.D. me. I'm a landmark in London that was first built in 1599, though I've beenrebuilt a couple of times since then. I'm closely associated with William Shakespeare because I'mwhere he's stages his plays.
I'm the Globe Theatre where Shakespeare was once an investor and an actor.
我就是环球剧场, 莎士比亚曾经投资这里并且亲身参与演出。
The man himself, the world renowned playwright known as the bard was born 450 years agothis month. His Globe Theatre burned down by accident during a play in 1613, was rebuilt thenext year, then torn down decades later, then rebuilt in London again in the 1990s, asauthentically as possible. As you might expect this year is a big one for the Globe.
Face paints, bouncy,and, of course, a birthday cake.
A lively approach to celebrate an age old icon. Here at Shakespeare's Globe in London, it's allabout maintaining a fresh and young legacy for the most famous playwright in history whoseworks 450 years and later still resonate with people young and old.
A person plays.
Who's your favorite Shakespeare character?
Midsummer Night's Dream.
Julius Caesar.
Romeo and Juliet.
To be or not to be.
The Shakespeare is still young. Shakespeare doesn't feel old. He doesn't feel tires. He feels likehe's still asking fresh questions, still giving fresh insights, still provoking fresh laughter.