CNN News:波士顿马拉松赛平安落幕 为无法忘却的纪念而奔跑
教程:2014年04月CNN新闻听力   浏览:650  
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    Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. I'm Carl Azuz. Today is Earth Day and we'll tell you what that means in a few minutes. But we are starting in Ukraine.


    There's a crisis in the country, and it's not calming down. Yesterday, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. He promised more U.S. assistance, money mostly for the struggling Ukrainian government. One challenge it faces is a lack of funds, another the fact that many people in eastern Ukraine don't support their new government. In about a dozen Ukrainian cities and towns, protesters have taken over buildings demanding closer ties with Russia. That country has been accused of stirring up these protests and planning to take over more parts of Ukraine.

    这个国家的危机不断,而且一直没能消停。昨天美国副总统拜登抵达乌克兰首都基辅。他承诺的更多美国援助 资金将主要用于援助苦苦挣扎中的乌克兰政府。这个国家面临的挑战是缺乏资金,而另外则是乌克兰东部的许多人不支持新政府。在很多乌克兰城镇中,抗议者已经 接管建筑并要求与俄罗斯建立更紧密的联系。而俄罗斯被指控煽动这些抗议活动并策划接管更多的乌克兰地区。

    Russia denies this saying it has no sway over the protests in Ukraine.


    Next up, mourning in South Korea. More than 80 people lost their lives when a ferry sank off the country's coast on Wednesday. But more than 200 others are still missing. And hopes are fading for rescuing any other survivors. South Korea's president says the action of the captain and some crew members were like murder. The captain has been charged with a number of crimes, from the poor sailing that caused the ship to sink to failing to help passengers escape. The captain says the cold water temperatures and fast currents made him hesitant to tell people to abandon ship. 174 people were rescued after the accident. No survivors have been found since April 16. Still, divers continue to search the submerged ferry in the hopes that some passengers might have found an air pocket.

    接下来我们关注韩国,全世界的人们都表示对逝者的哀思。周三的沉船事件造成超过80人失去生命。但是还有超过200 人仍下落不明。而且搜救其他幸存者的希望正变得越来越渺茫。韩国总统表示船长和船员的某些行为就像是蓄意安排好的谋杀。这位船长被控多项罪行,从拙劣操控 技术导致船沉到未能帮助乘客安全逃生。而船长表示冰冷的水温和难以预测的洋流使得他犹豫是否要告诉人们弃船。事故发生后174人已经获救。而截至4月16 日以来还没有发现幸存者。但潜水员仍旧继续搜寻水下沉船希望在气囊中找到一些乘客。

    At the 2014 Boston Marathon yesterday, a year after a terrorist attack at the same event, the race announcer told 36,000 runners take back that finish line. And for the first time since 1983,an American won it. 38- year old Meb Keflezighi of the U.S. was the first man to cross having run the 26.2 miles in two hours eight minutes and 37 seconds.

    让我们关注昨天的2014年波士顿马 拉松赛, 继恐怖袭击一年之后这一赛事如期召开,而赛事播音员激动的称有36000名选手冲过终点线。而且这是1983年以来美国人第一次摘得赛事桂冠。38岁的美 国男子长跑选手麦博·科弗雷萨利用时2小时8分37秒跑完26.2英里的赛程。

    For the women, 33-year old Rita Jeptoo from Kenya crossed first. Her time was two hours 18minutes and 57 seconds. That's a course record for a woman.


    At least two had more competition to beat. There were 9,000 more runners than in 2013. An another example of Boston Strong, the event's largest crowd ever was expected to cheer them on.


    Time for "The Shout out." What's the only planet not named for a god in Greek or Roman mythology? If you think you know it, shout it out! Is it Earth, Mercury, Neptune or Saturn? You've got three seconds, go!


    While all other planets are named for gods or goddesses, Earth's name comes from the old English and Germanic languages. That's your answer and that's your shout out.


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