37年前 在我刚来到美联储时
I was struck by the passion of my colleagues for the mission of the Fed
And these many years later, each day at work
很多年以后 在现在的每一天工作中
I see the importance of that passion to carrying out the Fed's duties effectively
If there is a job that you feel passionate about
do what you can to pursue that job
if there is a purpose about which you are passionate
dedicate yourself to that purpose
Finally, I hope that you can find joy in the lives you choose
最后 我希望你们能够在自己选择的人生轨迹中找到乐趣
You are completing one important phase of your life today
今天 你们完成了人生中一大重要的阶段
and embarking on an amazing new adventure
Serious decisions about life surely lie ahead
前方 你们必将需要对人生作出抉择
but take the time to savor the joys, large and small that come along the way
尽管如此 不要忘了享受过程中的大小乐趣
Share those joys with others, and share a laugh when you can
记住将这些快乐同他人分享 让大家一起开怀大笑
In closing, thank you again
在结束演讲之前 我想再次感谢大家
on behalf of myself and the other honorees
代表我自己 也代表其他荣誉学位获得者
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today
and congratulations and good luck to the Class of 2014
恭喜2014届毕业生 祝大家好运