To General Trainor, General Clarke the faculty andstaff at West Point you have been outstandingstewards of this proud institution
感谢特雷纳将军 克拉克将军感谢西点军校教职员工你们出色地管理了这所令人引以为傲的学校
and outstanding mentors for the newest officers inthe United States Army
I'd like to acknowledge the Army's leadership -- General McHugh -- Secretary McHugh,
我还要感谢军队的领导 麦克休将军麦克休部长 奥迪尔诺将军
General Odierno as well as Senator Jack Reed who is here and a proud graduate of West Pointhimself
To the class of 2014
I congratulate you on taking your place on the Long Gray Line
Among you is the first all-female command team -- Erin Mauldin and Austen Boroff
And Calla Glavin, you have a Rhodes Scholar
有卡拉·格拉文 你领有罗德奖学金
And Josh Herbeck proves that West Point accuracy extends beyond the three-point line
To the entire class let me reassure you in these final hours at West Point:
在你们待在西点的最后这几小时里 我要告诉所有毕业生
As Commander-in-Chief
I hereby absolve all cadets who are on restriction for minor conduct offenses
Let me just say that nobody ever did that for me when I was in school
我不得不说 我上学时可没人这样做过
I know you join me in extending a word of thanks to your families
Joe DeMoss, whose son James is graduating spoke for a whole lot of parents when he wroteme a letter about the sacrifices you've made
乔·德莫斯 他儿子詹姆斯即将毕业他写了一封信给我 道出了很多家长的心声 关于你们所作出的牺牲
"Deep inside," he wrote "we want to explode with pride at what they are committing to do inthe service of our country"
他写道 "内心深处""我们希望自豪地看到""他们为国家服役的英姿"。