CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Name: Carl Azuz. Date, January 22, Assignment, to bring current events to your class. We are glad you are watching. You probably haven`t heard of Roberta Jacobson. She`s the U.S. assistant secretary of state for Western affairs. And what she did yesterday was significant. She arrived in Havana, the capital of Cuba. She`s there to move forward on President Obama`s plan to reestablish an American embassy there.
今天是1月22号,我是Carl Azuz,这里是不含商业广告的CNN学生新闻,欢迎大家收看。你可能没听说过罗伯塔雅各布森,她是负责美国西半球事务的助理国务卿。昨天她所做的事情有着非常重大的意义,昨天她抵达了古巴首都哈瓦那。为了执行奥巴马总统的外交政策前往该地,拟重新建立美国驻古巴大使馆。
His decision to improve relations between the U.S. and Cuba is a controversial one. The president says the last 50 years of isolating the Caribbean nation haven`t worked, that the U.S. can be more influential over Cuba`s communist government by normalizing relations with it.
But shortly after that announcement Cuban President Raul Castro said the U.S. needed to respect Cuba`s communist rule. The rift between the two countries goes back to the Cold War.
KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Why did U.S.- Cuba relations get so bad in the first place, highly controversial?
In the 1950s, Cuba was run by a dictator, and he wasn`t only backed by the United States, but he was also backed by the U.S. mafia. On the back of that then in 1959 we have a bunch of rebel fighters led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara sweeping to power. And they over time moved well out of the orbit of U.S. influence and into the orbit of the Soviet Union. So, the fight between the U.S. and Cuba is really based against the backdrop of the Cold War between the world`s two superpowers: The United States and the Soviet Union. Now, in 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower, he decided enough is enough. We are going to break off diplomatic relations with Cuba. And that is what happened. Then later in 1961, I bet you`ve all heard of the Bay of Pigs, that is when the U.S. with a group of trained mercenaries by the CIA tried to invade Cuba. That failed. That was seen as a victory for the Cuba`s. Then pushed forward to 1962, the Cuba missile crisis, that`s when the Soviet Union started to put nukes on the island here pointing at the United States, and relations got so bad between the United States and Cuba it ran to push the whole world towards the brink of nuclear war.
JOHN F.KENNEDY: It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States.
PENHAUL: That is just some examples about how things have gone so bad between the United States and Cuba over the years.
CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Name: Carl Azuz. Date, January 22, Assignment, to bring current events to your class. We are glad you are watching. You probably haven`t heard of Roberta Jacobson. She`s the U.S. assistant secretary of state for Western affairs. And what she did yesterday was significant. She arrived in Havana, the capital of Cuba. She`s there to move forward on President Obama`s plan to reestablish an American embassy there.
His decision to improve relations between the U.S. and Cuba is a controversial one. The president says the last 50 years of isolating the Caribbean nation haven`t worked, that the U.S. can be more influential over Cuba`s communist government by normalizing relations with it.
But shortly after that announcement Cuban President Raul Castro said the U.S. needed to respect Cuba`s communist rule. The rift between the two countries goes back to the Cold War.
KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Why did U.S.- Cuba relations get so bad in the first place, highly controversial?
In the 1950s, Cuba was run by a dictator, and he wasn`t only backed by the United States, but he was also backed by the U.S. mafia. On the back of that then in 1959 we have a bunch of rebel fighters led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara sweeping to power. And they over time moved well out of the orbit of U.S. influence and into the orbit of the Soviet Union. So, the fight between the U.S. and Cuba is really based against the backdrop of the Cold War between the world`s two superpowers: The United States and the Soviet Union. Now, in 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower, he decided enough is enough. We are going to break off diplomatic relations with Cuba. And that is what happened. Then later in 1961, I bet you`ve all heard of the Bay of Pigs, that is when the U.S. with a group of trained mercenaries by the CIA tried to invade Cuba. That failed. That was seen as a victory for the Cuba`s. Then pushed forward to 1962, the Cuba missile crisis, that`s when the Soviet Union started to put nukes on the island here pointing at the United States, and relations got so bad between the United States and Cuba it ran to push the whole world towards the brink of nuclear war.
JOHN F.KENNEDY: It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States.
PENHAUL: That is just some examples about how things have gone so bad between the United States and Cuba over the years.