CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Hi, I`m Carl Azuz. Glad you are watching CNN STUDENT NEWS. Millions in New York and New Jersey are asking what blizzard - while millions in New England are saying, this one. The forecast was off in some areas, but not Massachusetts. Boston got hit with one of its heaviest winter storms ever, and several other cities in the state recorded 30 inches of snow by yesterday afternoon with more on the way.
我是 Carl Azuz,欢迎收看CNN学生新闻。纽约和新泽西地区的数百万居民都在问什么是暴风雪,新英格兰区的数百万居民回应说,这就是。天气预报预测出部分地区的暴风雪极端天气袭击但是没有预测出马萨诸塞州也会遭受此类天气袭击。波士顿经历了入冬以来最严重的一次极端天气袭击。该州其他几个城市昨天下午也降下了30英寸记录性降雪。更多降雪仍在继续。
Coastal communities flooded. The storm surge, a wall of water pushed by a storm broke through the seawall in the town of Marshfield, Massachusetts. One emergency official said the entire self-part of the town was cut off by flooding.
And forceful winds knocked out power to the entire island of Nantucket. But though the National Weather Service predicted a raging blizzard also in New York and New Jersey. It wasn`t so bad there. Some people call it, snowperbolic (ph).
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio had a better safe than sorry response, and some meteorologists apologized for getting it wrong and alarming residents. Why is the weather so hard to predict?
CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Hi, I`m Carl Azuz. Glad you are watching CNN STUDENT NEWS. Millions in New York and New Jersey are asking what blizzard - while millions in New England are saying, this one. The forecast was off in some areas, but not Massachusetts. Boston got hit with one of its heaviest winter storms ever, and several other cities in the state recorded 30 inches of snow by yesterday afternoon with more on the way.
Coastal communities flooded. The storm surge, a wall of water pushed by a storm broke through the seawall in the town of Marshfield, Massachusetts. One emergency official said the entire self-part of the town was cut off by flooding.
And forceful winds knocked out power to the entire island of Nantucket. But though the National Weather Service predicted a raging blizzard also in New York and New Jersey. It wasn`t so bad there. Some people call it, snowperbolic (ph).
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio had a better safe than sorry response, and some meteorologists apologized for getting it wrong and alarming residents. Why is the weather so hard to predict?