CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Fridays are the undisputed champion of awesome. I`m Carl Azuz, with CNN STUDENT NEWS. Ten minutes of commercial free current events. We start today with news from Jordan. It`s a constitutional monarchy in the Middle East. And its government is enraged.
周五毫无疑问是最棒的一天。我是Carl Azuz,这里是十分钟不含商业广告的CNN学生新闻。今天我们从约旦说起。这是一个在中东地区的君主立宪制国家。约旦政府现在已经被激怒。
The ISIS terrorist group captured a Jordanian fighter pilot in Syria in December. News broke earlier this week that ISIS had brutally murdered the man. Jordan struck back. The pilot`s father says he was told that dozens of Jordanian jets flew in airstrikes against ISIS yesterday, then they flew back over the man`s house in tribute to the pilot`s family.
Jordan says it targeted ISIS training centers and ammunition depots and that these strikes were just the beginning of its response.
U.S.-led airstrikes were part of the reason why ISIS lost the city of Kobani. It`s in northern Syria near the Turkish border. The Kurdish Peshmerga fighters on the ground who drove ISIS out have been living in the city of ruins.
CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Fridays are the undisputed champion of awesome. I`m Carl Azuz, with CNN STUDENT NEWS. Ten minutes of commercial free current events. We start today with news from Jordan. It`s a constitutional monarchy in the Middle East. And its government is enraged.
The ISIS terrorist group captured a Jordanian fighter pilot in Syria in December. News broke earlier this week that ISIS had brutally murdered the man. Jordan struck back. The pilot`s father says he was told that dozens of Jordanian jets flew in airstrikes against ISIS yesterday, then they flew back over the man`s house in tribute to the pilot`s family.
Jordan says it targeted ISIS training centers and ammunition depots and that these strikes were just the beginning of its response.
U.S.-led airstrikes were part of the reason why ISIS lost the city of Kobani. It`s in northern Syria near the Turkish border. The Kurdish Peshmerga fighters on the ground who drove ISIS out have been living in the city of ruins.