CARL AZUZ, HOST: For the first time in 13 years, a U.S. president is asking Congress to formally authorize military force.
That`s our first story today on CNN STUDENT NEWS.
The White House plan was submitted yesterday. It`s got a time limit. It would expire in three years.
President Obama said it could be reconsidered by the next president at that time. He says the U.S. should not get dragged into another prolonged ground war in the Middle East.
But the authorization would allow the president to put U.S. boots on the ground, something he said last year he would not do.
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And there`s no heavier decision than asking our men and women in uniform to risk their lives on our behalf. As commander-in-chief, I will only send our the president`s into harm`s way when it is absolutely necessary for our national security.
CARL AZUZ, HOST: For the first time in 13 years, a U.S. president is asking Congress to formally authorize military force.
That`s our first story today on CNN STUDENT NEWS.
The White House plan was submitted yesterday. It`s got a time limit. It would expire in three years.
President Obama said it could be reconsidered by the next president at that time. He says the U.S. should not get dragged into another prolonged ground war in the Middle East.
But the authorization would allow the president to put U.S. boots on the ground, something he said last year he would not do.
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And there`s no heavier decision than asking our men and women in uniform to risk their lives on our behalf. As commander-in-chief, I will only send our the president`s into harm`s way when it is absolutely necessary for our national security.