Ahh,sleep...You can never have enough of it,it seems.In fact,sometimes it literally feels like you aren't getting enough.But,what if you stopped sleeping altogether.Strangely,science understands relatively a little about why we sleep or how it evolved in the first place.
啊 睡觉觉...似乎觉是永远睡不够啊。实际上 有时候你真感觉睡不够。但是 如果你完全不睡觉呢。奇怪的是 科学界却对我们睡觉的原因 及其最初的成因知之甚少。
After all,laying unconscious and dormant for hours on end while predators lurk hardly seems advantageous or smart.But we have discovered a few correlations.For example,adults to sleep between 6 to 8 hours at night tend to live longer.excessive sleep,however,can lead to medical problems including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
毕竟 在床上毫无知觉地躺几个小时 而捕食者蠢蠢欲动 看上去不是啥好事。但是我们发现了几种关系。比如 每天晚上睡6-8个小时的成年人寿命更长。相反 睡眠过多会引发疾病 包括冠心病和糖尿病。
Similarily,chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to aspects of cardiovascular disease,obesity,depression and even brain damage.But what if you stop sleeping right now?Well,after your first sleepless night,Your mesolimbic system become stimulated and dopmine runs rampant.And this may actually trigger some extra energy,motivation,positivity and even sex drive.
同样 长期睡眠不足也被与冠心病 肥胖 抑郁甚至是脑损伤划上关系。但如果你从现在起停止睡觉呢?在你的第一个不眠之夜后,你的中脑边缘系统会受到刺激 多巴胺疯狂分泌。这的确会带来一些额外的精力 动力,积极性 甚至是性冲动。
Sounds appealing,but it's a slippery slope.Your brain slowly begin to shut off the regions responsible for planning and evaluating decisions,leading to more impulsive behavior.Once exhaustion sets in,you'll find yourself with slower reaction times and reduced perceptual and cognitive functions.After a day or two to have no sleep,the body loses its ability to properly metabolize glucose and the immune system stops working as well.
貌似很有吸引力 但这只是个坑。你的大脑会逐渐关闭负责计划与 决策的区域 使人举止更冲动。当疲惫出现时 你会发现自己反应时间更长 感知和认知能力下降。一两天彻夜无眠后,身体糖代谢功能将会失衡 免疫系统也会停止工作。
In some cases,three days of no sleep has led to hallucination.Care about how you look? Studies have shown a direct correlation between sleep deprivation and a person's perceived beauty.That is to say,sleep deprived individuals appeared less healthy and less attractive than when they were well-rested.
在一些案例中 连续三天无眠会导致幻觉。在乎自己的形象?有研究已经发现了睡眠不足 和外界对个人外表认知的关系。也就是说 睡眠不足的人看上去比 休息好时更不健康 更没有吸引力。
The longest scientifically documented case of being awake was 264 hours,or 11 days.And while they did develop problems with concentration,perception and irritability,the surprising truth is that they suffered no serious,long term health effects.In fact,no individuals under these documented conditions experience medical,physiological,neurological or psychiatric problems.
科学记录下持续清醒时间最长的记录是264小时 或11天。尽管他们的确在集中注意力 认知和兴奋性上出了问题,令人惊讶的是 他们并未遭受严重而长期的健康影响。实际上 在这些案例中 没有一个个体 遇到了医学 生理 神经或是精神方面的问题。
But there are limited studies and this doesn't mean permanent damage couldn't inflicted with more time.Sleep deprivation on rats,for example,generally lead to death after about two weeks.But scientists aren't totally sure if they are dying from the lack of sleep or from the stress of constantly being woken up.
不过目前研究有限 并且这也不是说更长时间后 不会出现永久性损伤。比如 被剥夺睡眠的老鼠,大多数在两周后死亡。不过科学家不敢肯定 它们是死于睡眠不足 还是经常被唤醒造成的压力。
Perhaps we should look at fatal familial insomnia for an answer.A rare genetic disease of the brain which causes progressively worsening insomnia or sleeplessness leading to hallucinations dementia and ultimately,death.This disease has only affected around 100 people in the world but their average survial span was around 18 months.
也许我们得从致命性家族性失眠症中找答案。这是一个罕见的大脑基因疾病 会使病患失眠不断恶化 并导致幻觉 痴呆 直至最终的死亡。在全世界 这种病仅影响到了100人 但他们的平均寿命只有18个月。
Overtime,the lack of sleep becomes worse and the body's organs begin to shut down.So,well lack of sleep won't necessarily kill you quickly,continuous sleep deprivation will have a negative effect on your body.Sleep tight,but not too much.
日积月累 睡眠缺乏逐渐严重 身体器官逐渐停止工作。因此 睡眠不足不会马上置你于死地,但持续性睡眠不足会对你的身体产生负面影响。睡个好觉 但别睡太久。